Boonk Van Leeuwen
Boonk Van Leeuwen Advocaten
Lichtenauerlaan 50
3062 ME Rotterdam
Boonk Van Leeuwen Advocaten
Postbus 29215
3001 GE Rotterdam
Contact us
Telefoon: +31 10 - 2811 811
Fax: +31 10 - 2133 111
Privacy statement
This statement has last been renewed on August 22th 2018.
Boonk Van Leeuwen Advocaten N.V. (‘BVL’) processes personal data in the capacity of controller in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (the ‘AVG’). This means that we have certain obligations and responsibilities with regard to the way in which we handle personal data.
In this privacy statement you will find information about how and why BVL uses and collects personal data.
BVL respects privacy and makes sure that personal information that is given to it or otherwise obtained, will be handled confidentially.
BVL uses personal data to be able to provide services to its clients. The services concerned are legal services in the broadest sense of the word.
BVL uses the personal data mentioned below for the following specific reasons:
- to render legal services;
- to send and collect invoices;
- advice, mediation and referral;
- to meet legal obligations;
- human resource management.
The following personal data can be used for these purposes:
- contact information: name, sex, address, phone number(s), fax number(s), profession/position, employer, Chamber of Commerce registration number, VAT number, email address, address of relevant websites, other public company information;
- communication: postal and email addresses of contact persons;
- information that is important for the handling of legal cases, such as information about third parties including opposing parties;
The use of this information is necessary to give full consideration to and properly perform the contractual obligations that we have towards our clients. Moreover, the use of personal data is necessary for a reliable administration towards our clients, relations and in order to fulfill our legal obligations.
BVL uses personal data to send invoices and to pay invoices from third parties, including: name, address, sex, phone number(s), email address, fax number(s), Chamber of Commerce registration, VAT number, bank account numbers.
BVL will keep the personal data as long as needed for the purposes mentioned, unless another period is agreed upon or if legislation requires a certain retention period. In practice this means that the data are kept for the term of the contract plus a certain period after the ending of the relation. Due to tax, administrative or legal mandatory terms, BVL may keep the data for a period of ten years. In case of potential claims or procedures, this period can be prolonged.
If you have any questions you can contact Ynke Ooijkaas by mail at
If you are interested in the complete privacy statement of BVL then you can ask for this by contacting BVL: